Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Gaming Life?

I hate this.  I have lost so many first drafts of blog posts that it’s ridiculous.  Almost every one of them actually, has been a quick rewrite of what I had initially written because something made me lose the post.  I’m getting really tired of this.  So anyway, here’s another one.
I have no idea what to write about.  It’s that simple.  I’ve been trying to come up with some kind of realization about life that I could hang anecdotes on, and nothing is coming.  Why?  I must have realized a great many things at this point in my life; why can’t I think of even one that would make a good essay? 
As far as brainstorming goes, there are a few areas of interest that might be interesting to draw from.  I have always been a big fan of games – video, role playing, etc.  I’ve been a gamer on some level for almost my entire life.  Most of my current friends are people I’ve met via that hobby.  That doesn’t sound interesting enough to write about though.  Not by itself.  I want to write something about the ritual it has become though.  Every Sunday night we get together to play, and we have for years now.  This has actually been a ritual for many more years than I’ve been friends with these people; I only met them all about six years ago.  It feels like longer than that though.  That’s the power of friendship I guess.  I think it might be interesting to draw a parallel to my childhood Sunday ritual of going to church every Sunday morning. 
The problem is that I can’t seem to figure out what the point of such an essay would be.  Structurally, I could piece it together.  The essay by Lopez that we had to read for this class would actually be a useful framework.  An opening anecdote, a section that details something relevant about life, perhaps a middle anecdotal section reflecting the transitional period where I had no Sunday ritual and how that affected my life, followed by something about this new group of friends and the impact that has had on my life and closing with a final anecdotal section.  It sounds good in theory, except that I don’t know what it should be about.  I need to do some more brainstorming.  Hopefully, this counts toward the assignment.  This is going to be harder than I thought. 

Edit:  I actually just posted this, and after a few moments an idea appeared, about the ritual I was given versus the ritual I chose.  That might be something worth writing about, how I value ritual based on whether it was my choice to engage in the ritual or not.  I'll have to mine that idea a bit further, but I'm hoping it bears fruition.

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