Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Descriptive Scene

This is the descriptive writing for the class:

The brown-and-orange tablecloth bunches in undulating waves against the weight of the basket that dominates the table.  These waves – the wake of something larger, perhaps - carry with them papers, letters, a coaster, and the odd magazine - Saveur, some catalogs – all are borne along on the cresting cloth.  The basket, full of plastic-and-cloth flowers, is largely unmoved though it has been pushed slightly askew from the centered position it would normally hold.  The wooden surface is unchanged by the drama that is playing out across its surface, though it is not entirely unaffected.  The faintest traces remain of the energy that propelled the cloth and the flowers. This evidence sits on the edge, balancing precariously between stability and descent: a small, cotton-like tuft of something.  It quivers in a breeze nothing else seems to feel.  Is the momentum that created it still, somehow, trapped within?  The cause of this disorder peeks her whiskered face innocently from around the corner of the table, unaware of the effect the force of her passage has had, as the tuft of her fur tries to decide its fate one foot above.

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